Maggan Hammar, comedian/actress/ ”the secret guest”/english






















Planning an upcoming event? Maggan is the real surprise!


Imagine the newly hired confused Head of Communications standing up and giving a speech at dinner. How will your employees react?

Upon request, I perform my special ”The Secret Guest”. A big hit with all parties from castle to hut. For those who want to offer their guests something new, fun and unexpected, with a surprise they will never forget. I offer innovative standup comedy with a customized script that makes the audience laugh. (script is prepared in agreement) The setups are many and adaptable to your event.

I usually join the mingle as a guest among all the others. Create some confusion in a nice way. During dinner, I make a speech. While the guests start squirming in their chairs. The speech eventually reveals my true identity as a professional comedian and probably not a new employee to the relief of many…or disappointment? 

See the clips at the bottom of the page.

”Professional, Outstanding, Entertaining & surprising, amazingly wonderful! Incredible at capturing the audience!” – Hans Nordén (OXIFREE )

”What a party… by far the best ever!!!!  Not to forget the greatest joke ever with Maggan on stage, I am still laughing at it. The day after, we had an early meeting with the Asia team, I could see tired people in front of me, but all with happy faces!! Thanks again.  Olivier de Guitaut  |  Nefab Group President Asia

“ Thank you very much for an unforgettable experience at our staff conference. So many emotions were stirred and so many laughs and stories were shared with our colleagues. You are a super professional!!! “ – Louise Kihlberg, Marketing and Communications Manager, Hufvudstaden AB

”Thank you very much for a very good entertainment, everyone is talking about how funny you were and how this will be a talk of the town in the future.”       – Sakar Mustafa – Maersk line

”THANK YOU. It was insanely fun your performance. People were talking about it all evening yesterday.  People have been talking about it all day today, and we’ll probably be talking about it for a while! The Nefab people thought it was the best party they have ever been to. They will live long on this and it will strengthen the cohesion and affect the company for a long time. So professional Maggan !! ” – Ing-Marie & Jochum – founders. Nefab Group AB                                            

 ”Many thanks for your performance! He who sat next to me and laughed so much that the tears completely sprayed said that he had not laughed like this at any time before during his 20 years at the company.” – Johanna Sjöström Sales assistant DLL Sweden

”What a Successful ..Thank you! ” – Lars Nilsson, Senior Manager Reinsurance, Underwriting, Reinsurance & Risk Control, The Swedish Club London

” You were amazing Maggan!!! Thank you sooo much for a very funny and surprising animation !!! Would be great to have you working at Camurus. Wish you all the best for a continuous amazing career! ”Eva Panarese Senior Director Marketing Camurus AB

”We are very pleased with your performance last week which was a perfect combination of confusion and awkwardness which then ebbs into humor. The effect of creating an embarrassment (which for Swedes is very difficult to deal with) to the realization that this must be arranged worked very well. There were very few of us who knew what was coming and it was worth it. It was much appreciated. Well done! ” – Swedbank Robur.

”Maggan is one of my absolute favorite comedians, all categories. Completely unpredictable, as she is, she takes the audience on a journey into the nooks and crannies of humanity and it both tickles and worries the stomach, just as it should do when you experience good comedy.” – Petra Mede


Maggan Margareta Hammar is doing ”the secret dinnerguest”



” J’ai eu le privilège de faire partie du show de Maggan pendant les minutes qui ont étés des plus chamboulantes de ma vie lors de notre fête d’entreprise (plus de cent invités).   Maggan est soudain apparue comme invitée mystère supposée avoir été très récemment engagée dans notre top management. Personne ne la connaissait bien sûr mais elle a réussi à duper l’ensemble des personnes présentes et nous faire, les uns après les autres, tous éclater de rire. Pour ma part, mes collègues (…et moi-même) ont grâce a Maggan soudain découvert tous mes secrets (véritables et imaginaires), absolument tous les tabous sociaux ont été balayés par son incroyable humour et talent de comédienne. Un one woman show absolument extraordinaire!!”  – Pierre-Eric Papoz  Sales Executive  Safmarine Sweden
















  ”You are so funny! Intelligent and sensitive, tender and insightful and surprisingly rough! – Top Division in the country in humor. ” – Richard Hobert director

 ”Thank you Maggan! There were many who were very disappointed afterwards when they realized that you were not our newly hired Strategic Communicator at all! ”- Göteborgsregionens Kommunalförbund. GR

”Thanks for Wednesday night! There were many funny comments at work on Thursday and Friday.You should have heard when one of the managers took me aside on Wednesday and wondered how I could have brought in that woman.  I played along and I can tell you that I wasn’t worth a damn then. I was all the more appreciated afterwards. You did a good job and the party was different, just as we wanted” – Hans-Ove Ekman. HR specialist. Q-Park AB

”So I hired Maggan Hammar to sneak around among the other guests on my 40th anniversary album and pretend she was a guest. Her assignment was to appear over-social, over-enthusiastic, mythomaniac and to break social codes but at the same time to be pleasant at all times. She managed the task brilliantly and it was super successful! She was nicely twisted so that people were really amused when it was revealed that she was hired and there were many good stories that evening. Extra credit to Maggan who took the task seriously, made the script and came to our home a couple of days before the party to coordinate.” – Fredrik Kinnunen

”I booked Maggan in connection with the start-up of an international venture. She was to give a lecture after conducting a survey as a consultant focusing on cultural differences between countries and their impact on business. The lecture started seriously, none of the audience knew anything other than that she was an expert in international trade. It was crazy successful and ended in success with everyone laughing their heads off.” – Monitor ERP System AB Morgan Persson, CEO

Maggan is a multifaceted comedian, actor and speaker with unique experience in many subject areas. She combines creativity with intelligence for subtle humor and performance. She is a mixture of her Norrland roots from Edsbyn and her international influences from Los Angeles, New York and Paris.                

Perfectly suited to the international audience as well!  Maggan speaks fluent English and French (lived in the US for 14 years).

Examples of clients; Hufvudstaden, Kinnarps, SvT Play, Folksam, Swedbank, Ikea, Swecon, Maersk line,  Stockholm Pride; Riksteatern, L’Oreal, Mercedes Benz Sverige,  Previa, Q-Park and others. etc.

examples of characters that Maggan has created; 

* The international, whimsical newly employed midwife 

* The inspector from the immigration office who informs the American wedding guests about Swedish traditions.

 * The tour guide who makes everyone on the canal boat wonder where they are really going…